
by Centaline Surveyors



中原租管主要功能包括:-- 查閱物業成交資料- 透過賬戶快速查閱戶口結餘- 查閱最新e-Statement- 網上遞交證明文件- 即時與租務專員聯繫更多功能即將推出,請密切留意!查詢熱線:2139 6698Centaline Tenancy Management System main features include:-- Login to the system and get information easily- Check out the condition of your property at anytime & anywhere- Check out the account balance or total overdue instantly- Assemble information into graphs and charts for analysis- contact our tenancy officer immediatelyHotline : 21396698----------------------------------------------------------進一步了解中原測量師行最新資訊 :中原測量師行網頁 : www.centalinesurveyors.com.hkFacebook專頁 : www.facebook.com/centalinesurveyors/